How to Deal with Difficult People: 5 Steps to Keep You Sane


The coworker who always has to one-up everyone else. That friend who’s consistently 30 or more minutes late to every happy hour. Those relatives who never have anything positive to say about anyone (including each other). We all have difficult personalities to deal with, but how you handle them can make or break those relationships.

We asked experts to share the best way to approach these challenging types, and two overarching themes rose to the top: Intention and compassion. Spending a little time planning out what you want to say, goes a long way to setting both of you up for success. And especially if your last nerve has been stretched thinner than a New York-style pizza, it’s important to realize that the person who’s getting on it deserves respect too. “You can have compassion for somebody and expect them to do better. Those things are not mutually exclusive,” explains Julie Fogh, co-founder of speech and communications company Vital Voice Training.

Here are tried-and-true techniques for dealing with difficult people straight from the experts, without making those interactions even more difficult than they need to be.

First, devise a game plan.

Before you talk to someone who really grinds your gears, identify your reasons for speaking out. Do you just want to get your frustration off your chest, or do you hope the other person will change something about their behavior? “Setting intentions can really change whether the communication will land or not,” Fogh explains.

The way you engage in the conversation can make a difference in how it goes, too. “You must change how you react to people before you can change how you interact with them,” says Rick Kirschner, M.D., coauthor of Dealing with People You Can’t Stand. That requires some self-examination.

People who irritate us often have something to show us about ourselves, according to Sandra Crowe, author of Since Strangling Isn’t an OptionMaybe your chronically late friend makes you realize how often you’re running a little behind, or you secretly wish you could be as laid-back as the coworker who never carries her weight. Taking a good, hard look at your own behavior and what motivates your frustration can take away some of its power, and even keep you from flying off the handle when you do have the discussion.

“If you don’t look at your own actions, you end up making the other person 100 percent of the problem,” explains Susan Fee, author of Dealing with Difficult People: 83 Ways to Stay Calm, Composed, and in Control.

Keep it all in perspective.

“Most of the time, difficult people just want something different than we do,” says Ronna Lichtenberg, author of Work Would Be Great If It Weren’t for the People. “Or they handle things differently.” Remember: Chances are, you’re someone else’s “difficult person.”

To keep your cool, relationship and life coach Chuck Rockey suggests remembering that behind every complaint, there’s a desire. Sometimes, asking that person who won’t stop bellyaching what they really want can give you some valuable insight.

When dealing with a difficult personality, try to really focus on the person and let them know they’re seen and heard, adds Vital Voice Training co-founder Casey Erin Clark. “It’s an incredibly disarming thing, especially if you’re feeling upset. Not managing their emotions, but just saying I can see you,” she says. It’s easy to get so focused on what you want to tell someone, that you stop listening to what they bring to the table. Instead, actively focus on the person in front of you.

Choose your approach.

Armed with your insights, you need to decide how to confront the person. Rockey emphasizes the importance of treating the other person with respect and keeping yourself from getting defensive. That will just escalate the conversation, and yelling never solves anything. While there’s often no good time for this kind of chat, try to pick a time when neither of you are engaged in a stressful project. And never confront your annoying coworker in front of others unless you need a mediator for your own safety.

“It’s important to realize that it’s your perception that the person isn’t listening or communicating well. The other person may not view the situation the same way,” explains executive coach, social worker, and human behavior professor Melody J. Wilding, LMSW. “Make sure that you’re carrying yourself in a way that commands respect. I find that many people unknowingly undermine themselves when they speak by over-apologizing and using qualifiers.”

Women, in particular, tend to avoid difficult or uncomfortable conversations and talk around the issue instead of facing it head-on. Fogh and Clark point out that we often go out of our way to avoid making someone else uncomfortable. But one awkward conversation can prevent lots of consternation down the road. It can help to focus on the issue, not the person’s character. That centers the conversation on a problem you can work together to solve, instead of coming off as an attack.

Know when to call it.

Part of figuring out how to handle difficult people is knowing when a discussion has gone from productive to toxic. “Figure out in advance how you’re going to respond,” advises Fee. “Will you walk away? Breathe deeply until he calms down?” Fogh and Clark also recommend knowing your own body’s warning signs. Some people freeze up when they start losing control of a conversation. Others get butterflies or start feeling hot around the collar. When that happens and you can’t have a dispassionate discussion, it’s time to walk away and try again another time.

Resist the urge to get into the blame game. “I think often the place where conversations go off the rails is when someone puts intentions on an action,” Clark says. Then, you end up arguing over what each person meant, rather than what actually went down. “You need to learn how to separate the individual from the act,” Lichtenberg explains. “Confronting someone is not so different from disciplining a kid. You don’t say to your child, ‘You’re bad!’ You say, ‘It’s bad that you drew on the wall.'”

Decide when to drop the issue.

There’s a difference between behavior that meaningfully impacts your ability to live or work with someone and a personality quirk that drives you batty, but won’t ruin your life. “When difficult coworkers cross the line into bullying, it’s time to raise the issue to management or even human resources,” Wilding notes. If the issue impacts your reputation or your ability to do your job, then it’s time to escalate. But sometimes, you’ve got to live and let live.

Sometimes, power dynamics prevent us from solving communication issues or our workplaces are entrenched in systems designed to keep them from getting resolved. “The reality of the world of communication is that certain people can behave in ways that other people can’t get away with,” Fogh adds. “Women and people of color have different expectations of how they’re allowed to show up in the world. And those communication choices are not always going to land. They’re not always going to be appropriate. You’re gonna make mistakes, you’re gonna mess this up. But it’s the act of choosing that is empowerment.”

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