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Ending workplace misery so your team can get s%#@ done!

You won’t change difficult people

But you can change the way you work with them!

Speak to Rhonda

As a member of an office staff, you are just one cog in a complicated mechanism and when cogs of many types are forced to communicate, things can get difficult.

In other words, as a member of an office staff, you probably run up against difficult people with alarming regularity.

Does this sound familiar?

  • During confrontations with difficult people, you freeze, unable to think of how to respond. Once you are home and in bed, you think of what you should have said. What if you could learn how to say the right thing, at the right time, in the right way?
  • There’s this one person who you are struggling with and you don’t want to quit your job, but you don’t know what to do any more. Wouldn’t it be great if you could take back control of the situation, in an acceptable way?
  • You’re afraid that people think less of you because you don’t know how to deal with difficult people. What if you could learn techniques for diffusing tense situations with difficult people, quickly and easily?

If so, then you’re in the right place. This website is packed with techniques and strategies you can use right away, in real situations, to take back control.

When you become our fan on Facebook, or sign up to receive our free blog updates, you’ll have ongoing access to our tips and solutions.

Even more importantly, we offer five 1-hour-long, results-driven Live Webinars and Office Training, designed to give you immediate solutions to the problems you deal with, daily! Once you experience one of our trainings, you’ll know exactly what you can and should do to retain control, no matter what or who you’re facing.

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A quick note of appreciation and to let you know that our Region continues to use and rely on your webinars as a source of training and refreshers for our Administrative Team, and as applicable are shared other members of our region. The focused topics continue to deliver value, are respectful of the work schedule (a one hour session is very manageable) and remain cost effective.


Rhonda recently conducted a workshop to 75 of our Insolvency Administrator’s gathered from across the country for an annual conference. Rhonda’s workshop focused on “How to Deal With Difficult People”. The workshop was presented with insight and humour coupled with great relatable and practical tips that everyone can use in dealing with conflict professionally or in their personal life.

Wendy VilleneuveBDO Canada Limited

I want to pass along my thanks regarding the ‘Dealing With Difficult People’ course you presented last week in Nanaimo.  You have revived my customer service enthusiasm…and I have had the fortune (?) to use some of the tools this week ;-).  Leading up to this course, I felt in a bit of a slump with my customer service abilities and trying to get motivated out of the poor feelings I had developed towards the general public (and on the way to becoming a difficult person!).  Over 20 years in customer service can potentially do that, but I am refreshed!

Danielle TyreOliver Woods Community Centre

I had the pleasure of attending a webinar in which Rhonda was the guest speaker. Her topic, Difficult Conversations, was not only applicable to me and my business, but could be applied to personal communications, as well. She was engaging, caring and enthusiastic about sharing her expertise. The tips she provided were easy to follow and empathetic to both the speaker and receiver. I would absolutely recommend Rhonda for any of your communication and leadership consulting needs. I am looking forward to hearing Rhonda speak again, in the future.

Darlene VictoriaWebinar attendee

Rhonda did a presentation for our local IAAP chapter on the topic of confrontation skills. She was great – very engaged and knowledgeable! She packed in a lot of information in just an hour and had a wonderful energy. Our group really enjoyed the presentation and – most telling – said they learned things they could put into action. Also, Rhonda was very easy to work with, flexible and helpful during the scheduling and planning process!

Holly HavenerWebinar attendee

We are located in Minnesota and we hired Rhonda to present via webinar at our March IAAP North Star Chapter meeting. Never doing a webinar before I was a little worried, but it went great! We didn’t lose the personal interaction and everyone enjoyed her knowledgeable presentation “Beat the Bully!”

Michelle AbelnCurriculum and eLearning Specialist at Upsher-Smith Laboratories, LLC