Office Training
Attention: Managers looking to greatly improve office communication and atmosphere by offering inexpensive, convenient, efficient and effective training for everyone in the office …
In as little as one day, you and your employees will learn exactly what you need to know to sharpen your communication skills in stressful situations with all types of communicators, to create an environment rich in productivity!

From the desk of Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HoF
11th March 2025
Dear Friend in Management,
Are Difficult People wreaking havoc in your office?
The ability to communicate effectively in the workplace has become a basic skill in today’s environment. As the workplace becomes more stressful, more and more workers begin to show their difficult sides.
Believe it or not, there is a science to Difficult People – and I’ve used this science to create a host of proven tools and techniques for effectively dealing with them: for dealing creatively and sensibly with the unique needs – and demands – of a Difficult Person (or Difficult People) in the office.
Does any of this sound familiar?
- You’re constantly putting out fires between a Difficult Person and the rest of your employees. What if you could expand your communication skills to match the “type” of your Difficult Person or People – so they received your message clearly, and your office became a more peaceful, better-functioning place?
- You feel like your office environment is spiraling out of control – thanks to one or two Difficult People. What if you could get your hands on a tool for achieving and maintaining control of your office environment, and for keeping the peace, no matter how many Difficult People you work with?
- You find yourself constantly at odds with a particular worker – and would love to smooth things over. What if you discovered why you clash – and how to avoid clashing in the future?
- You are afraid you might be the Difficult Person in your office. It seems that every time you try to make a point, you end up hurting someone’s feelings. What if you could learn why certain people were offended by what you said, and how to communicate more effectively?
I have some good news: you are in the right place.
I’m Rhonda Scharf, your Workplace Efficiency Expert. I’m a highly experienced professional speaker with the Certified Speaking Professional designation.
As a member of the speaking Hall of Fame I’ve spoken in dozens of countries to tens of thousands of people.
I’ve consulted with some of the world’s most recognized companies including Sony, Mercedes-Benz, the US Coast Guard, Exxon Mobil, Bank of Canada, all levels of government in Canada and the US, and hundreds more companies.
I’m not telling you all this to make myself sound good; rather, I want you to know that I’ve been there and done that. I am a real person, with real problems, who has generally figured life out – I’m like a friend who wants you to succeed – to create a working environment that nurtures effective communication so everyone is on the same page – a page that leads to an efficient workplace.
So what’s my secret?
So what’s my secret?
Working with “Difficult” People.
Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it?
When you do it right, Working with “Difficult” People drastically improves your working life as you learn about different communication styles and how they work together (or don’t). Therefore, it greatly improves the office environment so everyone can work together in harmony toward the common good.
What will Working with “Difficult” People do for you?
It will:
- Help you maintain control over office communication and the overall atmosphere.
- Give you tools for defining workers’ communication styles – and your own – so you know how to best communicate with each person, and how to help all your team members to communicate effectively amongst themselves.
- Provide you with understanding of your teammates’ attitudes and behavior.
- Help you differentiate between the content of your message and its delivery.
So how do you do it?
I know it’s not easy. If Working With “Difficult” People was easy, workplaces would always be free of confrontation, and conversations would always produce excellent results. Unfortunately, though, with increasing demands placed on decreasing resources, Working With “Difficult” People seems more and more common.
You may think you’ve tried before to figure out how best to Work With “Difficult” People. Maybe you read some books. Maybe you contacted your HR representative or even your attorney to discover the best course of action.
Maybe you have tried – but have you tried Working With “Difficult” People MY way?
There are some very specific, very crucial components to Working With “Difficult” People – and you may be overlooking some of them either because you don’t know about them or because you don’t realize their importance.
It’s not your fault you haven’t had success in the past, or that the atmosphere in your office is tense and stressful. Very few people teach what I teach, which is a science-based system for determining and working with various communication styles.
That’s why I’m inviting you to invite me to your office – so I can reveal my system for expanding your communication skills with all types of people you encounter, daily – and so you can help all the members of your team communicate more effectively.
“Working With ‘Difficult’ People”
You are about to discover a system it has taken me years to develop – and you’re about to gain all the information you need to create an environment of healthy, open communication – even in an office filled with “difficult” people.
Whether you’ve read other books and bought other materials, without success, or are trying this for the first time, you’ll discover strategies and techniques you can use to improve communication in any office.
Here’s what “Dealing With ‘Difficult’ People” will cover:
Difficult People and Situations:
- It’s not “What You Say”, but “How You Say It!” Do you know the difference?
- Your actions really do speak louder than words.
- Tips on “How to Speak” – your inflection, volume and pacing.
- Words that trigger!
- 5 Steps to Ensure Communication
- Controlling Emotions
- Achieving Control
Confrontation Skills
- What to say, how to say it, when to say it – all the while, being in complete control of yourself
- How to keep your confidence high so others don’t bully you into submission
- How to keep your emotions in check – so you avoid crying, screaming and blanking out
- What you can do to prepare yourself to say what you should say (and take the professional path instead of the emotional one)
- How to give feedback in stressful situations
- How to keep your cool even when you’re confronting someone
Beat the Bully
- What if the boss is the bully – and how people can approach the situation without losing their jobs
- Working with HR and Senior Management – without feeling like you’re tattling on your co-worker or boss
- Why bullying happens – and what you can do about it
- Creating your action plan – so you know what you can do to improve your situation
- How to confront your bully – without creating a highly charged situation
- Your choices when you work with a bully – you do have them!
Wondering how we’re going to get all this done?
Here’s how:
I offer two different session lengths: a half-day and a full-day. I call it “Edutainment” (education + entertainment). I present a solid content core, but with a relaxed and humorous style. I joke that I’m allergic to lecture and I will present my discussions and information in an interactive environment. So if you’re looking for a sit-in-rows-and-listen-while-I-talk lecture, this isn’t for you.
You may be thinking, “This sounds great, Rhonda, how much is it going to cost me?”
Before I answer that question, I want you to think about how much this change is worth to you. How much is it worth to greatly improve the communication and atmosphere in your office? How much is it worth to learn about the various communication styles and how they fit together – information you can use, no matter which job you’re in?
This small investment will pay off big as overall office efficiency increases. How many hours have you and your employees wasted because of miscommunication? How many hours have you spent putting out fires, when you should have been working? By spending just one half-day or a full day with me, focusing in on the various communication types and how they work together, you’ll gain precious time.
Plus, you’re covered by my 100%, money back guarantee. If, after listening in on the entire seminar, you don’t believe it’s worth the investment, I’ll give you a full refund.
So you’ve got nothing to lose.
Ready to sign up? Click here
Imagine … your office, operating like the well-oiled machine you want it to be … it is possible when you and the members of your team are communicating as effectively as possible – and that is the goal of my Office Training.
Here’s to your well-oiled machine,
Your Presenter
Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HoF
Rhonda Scharf is a well recognized Professional Speaker, Trainer and Author. She specializes in helping Administrative Professionals to thrive in their work environment using her proven tools and strategies.
She is a trusted resource for organizations around the world! She holds the highest speaking designation in the world, the Certified Speaking Professional and was recently inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame. She is only one of two people to hold her CSP, HoF, and the Spirit of CAPS.