Dealing With Difficult People In The Workplace
Written by: Simone Milasas
Leading Facilitator Simone Milasas with
Whether you are a business owner, manager or employee, one of the most challenging aspects of the working world can be dealing with people. Let’s face it. People can be difficult. Whether it be personality conflicts, the spreading of gossip, unhealthy competition, co-workers gunning for your job or downright defamation of character, navigating the world of people within the workplace is often not without provocations.
Regardless of the current circumstances within your workplace, no matter who is saying what about you, what if you could be at ease? What if you could interact with every type of person and adverse situation without being negatively affected by any of it? You can and here are my top three tips to get you started.
Know what is true for you.
Several years after I had written my second book, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully, which is my personal story of going from $187k of debt into financial wealth, I woke up in Italy one morning to discover a frenzy of frantic phone calls and messages from my PR agent. A damaging book review had been published from a public and highly visible platform claiming that my book was “snake oil.” The writer ruthlessly mocked my financial advice and discredited my credentials.
My first response was to become frantic too. I had written this book from being vulnerable, hoping it could change people’s lives. I openly shared the stories of where I stumbled, fell and picked myself up again. Having put myself out there, to then be vilified with judgment, was an intense energy to receive.
I rang my PR agent to let her know that I had received her messages and said, “I need a moment to be with this. Let me go have a shower and then we can discuss what action to take.” As I contemplated all aspects of this situation, the defamation of character that had landed at my doorstep, the negative publicity that was spreading, I had a moment of clarity, “You know what? I am okay. This is my story. I use the tools I talk about. They work. They changed my whole financial reality. Nobody knows me or my life like I do and I know what is true for me.”
The details of your personal workplace environment and situations may be different from the ones of this story, but the dynamics of dealing with difficult people are consistent and one of the greatest lessons to learn is that you cannot control other people. You do not get to dictate what they say or how they behave. Trying to change what you cannot change is a misuse of energy. Be honest with yourself. Clarify what you know to be true and confidently stand with that. At the end of the day, if you are happy with yourself and your choices, that is enough.
Find the gift in all situations.
Even in the most difficult situations and in dealing with the most difficult people, there are gifts available to you if you are willing to look for them.
As an example, let’s say someone in your workplace thinks they can do your job better than you and is attempting to take over your position. Succeeding in their attempt would create adversity for you. What do you do? The reality is, as much as you may not like or agree with their perspective, they are allowed to have it. That doesn’t mean they are right or wrong. It simply means that this is what they have concluded. Recognizing this can provide peace and empower you to take action on things that you can change whilst simultaneously letting go of what you cannot.
If you are having a hard time letting go of what you cannot change, ask, “What is right about this person that I am not getting? What is right about this situation that I am not getting?” Asking these questions can disrupt the autopilot of negativity and shift your focus to the gifts of the situation, and dare I say even the person, that you may not have been previously able to see. Remember, what you focus on always grows.
Choose kindness.
The tendency to fight back when we are on the receiving end of judgment, slander and goading is understandable, but before jumping into the cesspool of negativity consider this:
“… what you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.” – Carl Jung
Rather than fighting and resisting, what if you took a vastly different approach? What if the next time someone is difficult or is playing downright dirty, you pause and ask, “What kindness can I be today? What generosity of spirit can I choose? How can I reach out and engage in a different way?” Choosing kindness in the face of conflict and adversity is sometimes misidentified as weakness and can be seen as being a doormat, but in the words often attributed to Latin writer Publilius Syrus, “You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force.”
When colleagues and co-workers are being difficult, choose to be true to yourself, let go of trying to change opinions and act with kindness in the face of adversity. Your actions will inspire others. And always remember, for every challenging person you encounter, there are more who are grateful for you. Slander, competition and hostility can seem dominating, but the reality is that gratitude is far greater, so focus on that.
As you go through life, you have some phenomenal journeys as well as hardships and hurdles. Do not allow other people’s points of view and judgments stop you. You can open doors to possibilities by being you and choosing what is true for you. You got this.