Dealing with a Sniper

We’ve all been on the receiving end of an inappropriate comment in a public setting.  Your co-worker embarrasses you with a snide remark meant to be funny, but you weren’t laughing.  They are a sniper – and just like the name implies, you were the victim of a sniper attack.

We want to fight back, we want to say something equally as hurtful, and hopefully deflect the humour from you to someone else.  It isn’t funny when it happens to you, and a funny response is not the correct approach to take.

Say nothing.  Make sure you make eye contact that lasts about three seconds too long.  You know “the look” that tells your sniper you heard the comment, and you choose not to respond do it.

Don’t smile, don’t laugh, don’t look for support from others.  Just “look

You’ll walk away knowing that you were on-the-right-track and didn’t stoop to their level.


Stop fooling yourself in thinking that you just need to do or say just one little thing and then BAM! everything will be better.

It won’t.

It takes a strategy and a planned course of action to deal with your difficult person.  It isn’t just one thing, it is a series of things that you do, and things that you say.  What works today, may not work tomorrow – what will you do then?

Don’t give up –  have many steps on your strategy and don’t get frustrated when it doesn’t immediately fix your problem.